Developmental activities for babies 5 to 6 months old

Baby doing tummy time while playing with the Tummy Time Wobbler by Lovevery

Sensory play helps your baby explore the world around them while making important connections in the brain. At 5 to 6 months old, your baby is tasting, mouthing, and feeling every single thing they can get their hands on ❤️

7 fun activities to try with your baby

Baking sheet with water and the Tummy Time Wobbler

Fill a baking sheet or shallow pan with water and place a floating object or toy in it. We love using our Tummy Time Wobbler because it moves on its own. Capturing a moving toy is hard but exciting work.

First, your baby’s eyes need to track the moving object. Next, their brain has to plan how they’re going to get it, and finally they must anticipate when to grab it. Your baby also needs plenty of neck, back, and shoulder strength to reach and get the wobbler. It’s a tough workout for their brain and body 😉

Why add water? Stimulating more senses during an activity encourages your baby’s brain to focus.

Build self-feeding skills with The Magic Tissue Box

Baby playing with the Magic Tissue box by Lovevery
Look Inside The Senser Play Kit: Magic Tissue Box

Before babies are ready to start feeding themselves, they must be able to sit up on their own. Try this simple activity to help your baby develop the strength and balance to sit unassisted:

  1. Place your baby in a seated position on the floor, supported between your legs.
  2. Set the Magic Tissue Box in front of them.
  3. Encourage them to pull out and explore the tissues.

As your baby leans forward and reaches for the tissues, they work their core muscles, improve their balance, and develop bilateral hand coordination (the ability to use both hands at once) 🙂

Laundry basket and ribbons

Baby looking up at streamers coming out of a laundry hamper

Simply tape a variety of ribbons to a laundry basket for this easy activity. Your baby will love exploring the different colors, sizes, and textures.

Kicking play with the Rainbow Spinner

Baby kicking the Spinning Rainbow from The Senser Play Kit by Lovevery
Look Inside The Senser Play Kit: Rainbow Spinner

Around 5 months old, your baby starts to realize that their legs and feet are part of their body. This kicking activity helps them learn their body can create noise and movement.

  1. Position the Rainbow Spinner close enough so that your baby can make contact with it when they extend their legs.
  2. Guide one of your baby’s feet to the spinner and show them how they can kick to make it turn. Then, let them try on their own. 
  3. The repetitive clicking sound and spinning movement give your baby incentive to keep going. 

Increase side-lying stamina with a book

Baby touching the Parts of Me board book by Lovevery
Look Inside The Senser Play Kit: ‘Parts of Me’ Book

Side-lying is still an important play position at this age because it builds core strength and balance. It also presents an opportunity for your baby to bring their hands to midline, reach in front of them, and prepare to roll ❤️

  1. Use the ‘Parts of Me’ Book to hold your baby’s attention as they play on their side.
  2. If they need some help to stay steady, support their back with your hand, legs, or a rolled-up blanket. 
  3. As you read and point to the pictures, your baby may reach across their body to touch the page; this movement will help them get comfortable with rolling onto their tummy if they’re still working on this skill.

Engage your baby with a sensory bag

Baby playing with a sensory bag filled with ice

You can repurpose zip-lock bags for all kinds of mess-free sensory activities. Just fill one up with ice and a little bit of water, then tape the edges to the floor or a table with painter’s tape.

Other items to use in sensory bags:

  • Hair gel and pom poms
  • Oil, water, and food coloring
  • Flour, water, and food coloring
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Water and water beads
  • Paint

Mesmerize your baby with a sensory bottle

Baby doing tummy time and looking at a water bottle filled with different colors

Your baby will love staring at different colors and watching various items move as they grasp and roll a sensory bottle.

Fill a clear plastic bottle with water, oil, and food coloring and show your baby how the colors shift as you move it. You can glue the lid to the bottle if you want a little extra security.

Other items to use in a sensory bottle:

  • Different types and colors of beads, buttons, or pom poms
  • Uncooked pasta
  • Mini plastic eggs, water, and glitter
  • Water and water beads
  • Uncooked rice and beans


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Posted in: 5 - 6 Months, Tummy Time, Sitting, Sensory Play, Kicking, Playtime, Play & Activities, Child Development

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