0 - 3 Months

What to expect from newborn sleep

sleepy baby

People love to offer opinions about your baby’s sleep, like “sleep when they sleep,” or “put your baby on a schedule right away.” But do they ever tell you what sleep will actually be like with a newborn? Here’s what you need to know:

It will be noisy

Snorting, groaning, gurgling, sighing, and grunting are all common sounds to hear from your newborn. The irregular pace of their breathing patterns may also catch you off guard. Many new mothers say that they wake up with a jolt when they hear these sounds.

Tip: If you do wake up in response to a noise from your baby, pause before you pick them up. Let your nerves settle and see what your baby does next. They may go back to sleep without any intervention from you. These are the very first steps to helping your baby learn how to self-soothe ❤️

There won’t be a rhythm yet

Newborn babies can’t tell when it’s day and when it’s night, and they need to eat every 2 to 4 hours. Your baby’s sleep will likely be all over the place during the first few weeks — you’re as likely to be feeding them at 3 am as you are at 3 pm. Gradually, as your baby’s stomach grows, they’ll be able to go longer stretches between feedings, which helps make their rhythms more predictable.

Tip: To help your baby establish their circadian rhythm, expose them to natural light and offer interactive play during the day. At night, keep things dim, calm, and cozy. Consider using nightlights or red light bulbs for nighttime feeds and diaper changes. 

It will be a while before they’re ready for sleep training

Whether or not you eventually decide that sleep training is right for your family, know that most experts recommend waiting until your baby is at least 16 weeks old. Before then, they’ll likely need frequent feedings and may not be able to get back to sleep without your help. 

People talk a lot about the exhaustion and stress that can come with newborn sleep. That’s real. But once in a while, when you’re awake together and the rest of the world is asleep, you may discover that you don’t mind as much as you thought you would ❤️

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Posted in: 0 - 3 Months, Prenatal, 0 - 12 Weeks, Sleeping, Feeding, Sleeping & Care

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