9 - 10 Months

How much should my 9-month-old be eating?

Baby watching their mom eat bananas

By 9 months old, most babies will consume three meals a day in addition to breast milk or formula. Some babies are also ready for morning and afternoon snacks. While it may sound like a lot of food, the actual quantity they consume each time they eat is small. 

Daily dietary guidelines for 9-month-olds

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that 9-month-olds consume 750 to 900 calories each day, more than half (about 400 to 500 calories) of which should come from breast milk or formula. Here’s a breakdown of what this might look like:

  • Breast milk or formula 3 to 5 feedings per day (30 to 32 ounces)
  • Iron-fortified cereal or iron-rich meat or vegetables 5 to 8 tablespoons
  • Fruits 2 to 4 tablespoons twice a day 
  • Vegetables 2 to 4 tablespoons twice a day
  • Meats and proteins 2 to 3 tablespoons twice a day
  • Starches (potatoes, pasta, bread) ¼ to ½ cup twice a day

If you’re breastfeeding, be sure to check with your doctor about vitamin D and iron supplements.

Let your baby decide how much to eat

Putting too much on your child’s plate can be overwhelming for them and may actually cause them to eat less or lose interest in mealtime. Start small—you can always offer more. 

Rather than looking for a clean plate, watch your baby for signs that they’re full. Babies who have had enough to eat may turn their head, refuse to open their mouth for another bite, lean away from you, or play with their food or utensils instead of eating. Babies are skilled at self-regulating their food initiate; they eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re full. Let your child’s appetite be the guide in how much you offer them. 

4 factors that can influence appetite

  1. Illness
  2. Growth spurts
  3. Teething
  4. Timing of the last feeding


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Posted in: 9 - 10 Months, Feeding, Health, Care & Hygiene, Mealtime, Feeding, Sleeping & Care, Child Development

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