0 - 12 Weeks

Read in “parentese” to promote interest and understanding

You know the high-pitched, sing-song, exaggerated voice that many of us instinctively use with babies? Research suggests that it’s highly beneficial for language development 🙂

Known as “parentese,” this engaging speaking style is effective at grabbing a baby’s attention and helping them learn words faster. 

A great time to use parentese is when you’re reading with your baby. Sit down together and look at the Wooden Book. Your slow, exaggerated sounds and varied pitch will make them think: “This book is exciting! I love that fish!” Don’t be surprised if they try to imitate your speech with a coo or squeal.


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Ashleigh Wynn

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Posted in: 0 - 12 Weeks, Language & Communication, Speech & Language, Playtime & Activities

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